HBO’s John Oliver Curses Donald Trump And Zings Chachi, Florida & Hillary Clinton’s Pitbull Pantsuit
HBO’s Last Week Tonight With John Oliver wrapped up two weeks of political conventions with a relentless, hilarious and absolutely (if fittingly) profane knockout punches Sunday.
Kicking things off with a can’t-lose local news clip of a skybound jet-packer plunging directly into the ocean — a visual analogy to Day 1 of the Democratic convention, he suggested — Oliver moved on to Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s boo-plagued Florida appearance (“The only way this could be any more Florida is if one of the Bernie delegates was an aging, heavily armed racist alligator”), Bill Clinton (who, says Oliver, retold the story of his courtship of Hillary “in real time”), Tim Kaine (“a human sweater-vest” who does “an impressively bad Trump impression”) and the all-white-clad Hillary Clinton (“Pitbull cosplay”). Trump supporters Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. didn’t escape, either; their biggest upcoming appearances, snarked Oliver, are the Emmy Awards In Memoriam reel — ouch.
But the real vitriol was reserved for Donald Trump himself, whose feud with Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Kahn had Oliver momentarily ditching humor for a direct-missile blast of obscenity. We can’t repeat it here, but you can watch Oliver’s entire routine above. Obviously, though, not safe for work, kids or aging racist heavily armed alligators from Florida.

إبراهيم زكاغ
مدون وأحب القراءة وكل جديد التكنولوجيا والإنترنت . إنشاء فولفولي جاء من الرغبة في مشاركة تجربتي المتواضعة ولأكون مساهما ولو بالقليل في محتوى الإنترنت.
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