You Gotta Regatta! Three Rivers Celebration Runs Through Sunday
Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Regatta returns to the city Friday through Sunday after river debris caused by heavy rains prompted its cancelation last July.
That's one reason the event was moved back to the first week of August, when the weather tends to be drier in western Pennsylvania.
Hundreds of thousands are expected Downtown for the event, which includes Formula 1 boat races on the rivers Saturday.
Downtown Friday afternoon, a few hundred people milled about, taking in the boats, live music and a display of puppies learning tricks.
Ryan Nigro, of the South Side, said he’s enjoyed how the regatta has grown.
“It’s a lot more fun than it used to be,” Nigro said. “There’s a lot of stuff for the kids.”
Food booths, a Ferris wheel and other activities are planned, and various bands and musicians will perform all three days on the main stage at Point State Park.
There will also be shows by BMX bicyclists and Pogo Xtreme performers. The whole thing wraps up with fireworks on Sunday at 9:30 p.m.
The show by Pyrotechnico includes a Prince musical tribute.

إبراهيم زكاغ
مدون وأحب القراءة وكل جديد التكنولوجيا والإنترنت . إنشاء فولفولي جاء من الرغبة في مشاركة تجربتي المتواضعة ولأكون مساهما ولو بالقليل في محتوى الإنترنت.
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