Game Of Thrones Comic Con spoilers: Sansa Stark has NO faith in Jon Snow!
Sophie Turner has revealed that her Game Of Thrones character, Sansa Stark, isn’t as impressed by Jon Snow as the rest of us.
When the supposed bastard son of Ned Stark died at the end of season five, we lamented….and lamented and lamented! He was supposed to avenge his father. He was going to rule Westeros one day. He was meant for great things!
When The Red Witch brought Jon back to life in season six, all of that seemed possible once again. Right now Jon is King of Winterfell and well on his way to claiming the power we all think he rightfully deserves. But apparently Sansa isn’t so confident about the skills of her kinsman.
Currently she believes that Jon is her brother, when in fact we know he’s actually her cousin.
The pair took Winterfell together, after Sansa called on the Knights of the Vale to help defeat the Bolton army. During the Game Of Thrones Comic Con panel this weekend, Sophie hinted at strains to come between the King of the North and Sansa.
She said: “I’m not sure if she believes that Jon is capable of running Winterfell in the North.
“She thinks he doesn’t have the intellect, knowledge or experience that she has.”
Viewers saw a stronger and more steely Sansa at the end of the sixth run. She killed Ramsay Bolton brutally and in cold blood. When asked if the murder will change her alter ego, Turner replied:
“I have no idea if she’s going to become a real leader or if she’s going to become completely sadistic, but we’ll soon find out.”
We reported yesterday that Sophie also revealed she thinks Ssnsa will be happy to stay at home in Winterfell and leave the battles in Kings Landing to Daenaerys, Cersei Lannister and whoever else wants to get involved. The only problem is, she will want Jon to remain by her side when it seems likely he will feel the urge to leave.

إبراهيم زكاغ
مدون وأحب القراءة وكل جديد التكنولوجيا والإنترنت . إنشاء فولفولي جاء من الرغبة في مشاركة تجربتي المتواضعة ولأكون مساهما ولو بالقليل في محتوى الإنترنت.
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